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  • March 31, 2017 3 min read

    Some of the stats on breast cancer are staggering. According to breastcancer.org, this year 252,710 North Americans will probably be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. That's not even counting the non-invasive 63,410 cases. Looking at it through a different lens, another stat says 1 in 8 women (or %12) will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. The scariest part about the whole thing is that breast cancer often comes out of nowhere. The National Breast Cancer Foundations says that while cancer results from DNA cell damage, the 'why' is often unclear. To quote them, "[M]ost patients will never know exactly what caused their cancer." And there are several genetic factors that are outside your control.

    So what can you do about it? You can't change your genes - and nor should you. They're what makes you who you are. And waiting until there's a problem can be painful. Things like chemotherapy, radiation therapy and drugs are extremely powerful...and extremely hard on your body. The real trick is to to be proactive by making smart choices along the way.

    One of the most effective solutions, and definitely the tastiest, is to start building up a strong defense against breast cancer by eating the right foods. We're an extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) company, so obviously we're going to tell you that EVOO's a great, edible, defensive tactic. But it's not just us. The International Journal of Cancer recently published an article saying that the Mediterranean diet, rich in EVOO, is a powerful weapon that protects women from breast cancer. Here are some of the takeaway points (Click here to access the study):

    • The study found that women who eat a Mediterranean diet rich in fruit, vegetables, fish - and olive oil - are 40 percent less likely to get Oestrogen-receptor negative (ER-negative) breast cancer.
    • ER-negative breast cancer accounts for roughly 1/3 of all breast cancers.
    • Emma Pennery, clinical director at the UK charity Breast Cancer Care told the telegraph, “This study adds to evidence that a healthy diet full of ‘good’ low saturated fats [like those in our EVOO] plays a part in lowering risk of the disease.”

    Take a look though at these other studies that cite EVOO as the victor.

    • NBC reported on a Spanish 2015 study that found "Women who participated in the study who added extra-virgin olive oil to their diet had a 62 percent lower risk of breast cancer over the next five years or so, according to researchers at the University of Navarra in Pamplona."
    • An Italian 2016 study (cited by the Olive Oil times) followed 307 women who started treatment early to fight breast cancer. Each one was given a choice on how to treat it: follow a normal diet or a Medeterranean one. 199 of them started on a Mediterranean diet, which included loads of EVOO. The remaining 108 women chose the normal diet. After three years, during which they were cured of the disease, 11 of the women who followed a normal diet relapsed. None of those who followed a Mediterranean diet suffered another bout of the illness.
    • A 2015 study by Toledo and Colleagues indicated that the risk of getting invasive breast cancer was reduced by 68 percent in people who consumed a Mediterranean diet supplemented with EVOO.

    Collectively, these studies indicate that routinely sprinkling EVOO into your diet can give you better health coverage from breast cancer. When you look closely at the elements hidden in every golden drop, the findings make a lot of sense. The phytonutrient in olive oil, oleocanthal, mimics the effect of ibuprofen in reducing inflammation, which can decrease the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence. Squalene and lignans are among the other olive oil components being studied for their possible effects on cancer. EVOO also has a ton of other health perks (listed on our health facts page). We pick every olive in our EVOO early, so it has more health-packed polyphenols than many others.

    So, if you're worried about it, try splashing our EVOO onto your next dish. Consuming the golden elixir sends liquid health coverage flowing through your veins - protecting you from unwanted exposure.

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