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  • Olive Oils & Balsamic
  • Ilias and Sons Organic Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Ilias and Sons Organic Infused Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Ilias and Sons Greek Balsamic
  • septembre 13, 2016 2 lire la lecture

    Ever wish you could put the energy kids have in a bottle and sell it? Part of what helps keep that energy alive in children is the healthy food that parents, through all kinds of culinary tricks, diligently mix into the meals they feed their kids so they grow up to be brilliant, beautiful human beings. During the day many parents have to go to work and so entrust their kids to childhood development professionals like those at the Children's Center. Just like every parent, the Children's Center staff works diligently to feed every child with great-tasting, healthy food. But some of the best ingredients that every kid needs to grow big, strong and brilliant are really expensive.

    Because every kid deserves the best, we're giving it to them for free. We've donated bottles and bottles of our best extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) to Ottawa's own Children's Center, tucked away in Hilson Avenue Public School.

     We love the Children's Center because, just like the rest of Hilson Avenue Public School, they're children-centered. They do everything they can to nurture the young minds in our community, and we want to do whatever we can to help. Through having access to our EVOO, the Children's chef's can cook tasty snacks for our kids with EVOO instead of butter or vegetable oil. And those snacks, through being cooked in EVOO, are brain food.

    Healthy Kid felxing muscles

    That's right, brain food. Apparently the American Academy of Pediatrics (cited by the California Olive Ranch) says the omega-9 and monounsaturated fat concentrations in olive oil are great for bolstering healthy brain development in children. 

    Here are some other reasons we're thrilled the Children's Center has gone EVOO:

    • Studies have shown that EVOO can help reduce childhood obesity. Some children struggle with their weight, and we're proud that the Children's Place has stepped up to help children stay healthy with tasty, health-packed EVOO. In fact, some studies have proven that children who eat EVOO regularly are less at risk of developing obesity later on. 
    • EVOO helps with mental health. Mental health is a battle for some children, and as parents we need to do everything we can to make sure our kids are happy. Replacing trans fats (which can cause depression) with EVOO is a great way to make our kids feel great. 
    • EVOO fights Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): As if it weren't hard enough for most kids to focus, kids with ADHD need every bit of help to pay attention in class. Luckily, EVOO can actually help kids fight the symptoms of ADHD - and get great grades.
    • EVOO is high in calories, only these are the good calories your kids need to develop instead of the unhealthy calories that cause some kids to struggle with their weight. 
    • Kids need their vitamins, and EVOO has tons of them. To name a few, EVOO has vitamins E, K, Iron, Calcium and Potassium. 

    It's better than junk food. It's our EVOO. And kids at the Children's Center eat for free. 

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