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  • Looking for the perfect Gift? We have you covered.

  • Olive Oils & Balsamic
  • 7Thirty High Phenolic Ultra Premium Organic Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Inspiration for 7Thirty is from our recent Polyphenol accredited testing results, reaching 730 in 2020/2021 and increasing its polyphenol results to 795.  A unique, strong peppery, high-quality olive oil. This is truly one of the only Ultra Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oils in the world that has ever tested this high. We have a limited 710 litres of this Greek Organic Ultra Premium Olive Oil available for the 2023/2024 Season.

    The unique characteristics below contribute to the phenolic process and creation of 7Thirty Ultra Premium Greek Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

    • Location of our Grove in the Southern Peloponnese in Greece
    • Richness in the soil due to the proximity to the Mountain and Ocean
    • Hand pruning 
    • Watering, no irrigation systems
    • Weather & Climate (300 Days of Sun on average)
    • Early Harvest
    • Organic Fertilizer
    • Not Over Fertilizing
    • 100%  Korineiki Olive Trees
    • Personal Love and Care 

    What are Polyphenols?

    Polyphenols are regarded for health-promoting properties and are found in our extra virgin olive oil.  The phenolic compounds unique to olive oil only occur during the malaxation process. There are 36 known phenolic compounds in olive oil. The two most widely researched for their health-protective benefits are Oleocanthal and Oleacein, known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

    The peppery effect indicates the presence of Oleocanthal.  Oleacein is known for its bitterness on the tongue. For people accustomed to purchasing olive oils from the supermarket, these characteristics of pepperiness and bitterness are often mistaken as a defect in the olive oil.